
U.S. Tax Policy Needs to Stop Incentivizing R&D Investment Abroad
by John M. Rogitz

Responding to Obviousness Rejections in Light of the USPTO’s New Guidance
by John M. Rogitz

Irreconcilable Differences: Comparing the CAFC’s Finjan and ABS Global Decisions
by John M. Rogitz

The Tax Burden on Innovation Just Got Much Heavier and Not Many People Are Talking About It
by John M. Rogitz

Six Common Patent Mistakes A Startup Can Make

by John M. Rogitz

Is My Artificial Intelligence Technology Ready For Patenting?

by John M. Rogitz

The Ethics and Practicality of AI Assisted Patent Drafting
by John M. Rogitz et al.

In Plastipak Decision, CAFC Fails to Resolve Precedential Inconsistency in Inventorship Determination
by John M. Rogitz

Practical Tips for Writing Ex Parte Appeal Briefs
by John M. Rogitz

Federal Circuit Finds ‘Lifter Member’ Invokes Means-Plus-Function
by John M. Rogitz

Latest Eligibility Decision from Federal Circuit Highlights Importance of Crafting a Background in Light of Alice
by John M. Rogitz

Federal Circuit Indicates Conventional Technologies Can Be Used in Unconventional Ways
by John M. Rogitz

USPTO Issues Additional Subject Matter Eligibility

by John M. Rogitz

Federal Circuit Cellspin Ruling Provides Important Clarifications on Aatrix and Berkheimer
by John M. Rogitz

Japan Patent Office Case Examples on Artificial Intelligence Offer Guidance for Other Offices on Treating AI Inventions
by John M. Rogitz

In CAFC Holding Finding Dice Games Abstract, Judge Mayer Delivers Concerning Concurrence
by John M. Rogitz

Fall Line Asserts Seemingly Invalid Patent Against a Host of Major Companies
by John M. Rogitz

USPTO issues guidance on patent eligibility of method of treatment claims in light of Vanda Pharmaceuticals
By John M. Rogitz

USPTO memo explains changed Alice Step 2B to examiners
By John M. Rogitz

A Google Opponent Actually Wins an IPR Battle with the Tech Giant
By John M. Rogitz

Federal Circuit says Finjan virus-screening method not abstract, is patent eligible
By John M. Rogitz

Federal Circuit Curtails Alice: Economic arrangements using generic computer technology ‘significant, if not determinative’
By John M. Rogitz

USPTO Recognizes Federal Circuit’s Aqua Products Decision, Issues Memo on Motions to Amend in IPRs
By John M. Rogitz

A Summary of the Constitutional Issues Raised by the Petitioner in Oil States
By John M. Rogitz

A Summary of the Constitutional Issues Raised by the Respondent in Oil States
By John M. Rogitz

Federal Circuit holds that due process is not violated when PTAB employs ‘surprise’ claim construction
By John M. Rogitz

Federal Circuit demonstrates that even when you win at IPR you can still lose
By John M. Rogitz

In precedential decision, Federal Circuit rules patent directed to encoding and decoding image data is not patent-eligible
By John M. Rogitz

Federal Circuit limits breadth of claims based on definition in specification, prosecution history
By John M. Rogitz

In precedential decision, Federal Circuit further clarifies what constitutes a covered business method patent for CBM review
By John M. Rogitz

Federal Reserve Banks file for declaratory judgment in patent case
By John M. Rogitz

Unwired Planet, LLC v Google, Inc

Intellectual Property Magazine
By John M. Rogitz

McRO v Bandai Nameco Games America Inc, et al

Intellectual Property Magazine
By John M. Rogitz


Supreme Court: Term ‘article of manufacture’ encompasses both a product sold to a consumer and a component of that product
By John M. Rogitz

CAFC Judges invite en banc review of holding that PTAB decisions to initiate IPRs are unreviewable
By John M. Rogitz

Federal Circuit holds software claims to be patent-eligible because they recite a technological solution to a technological problem
By John M. Rogitz

District Court sua sponte raising dispositive issues not enough for case to be reassigned
By John M. Rogitz

In non-precedential decision, CAFC says prevailing party can challenge claim construction
By John M. Rogitz

In non-precedential decision, CAFC vacates district court grant of summary judgment
By John M. Rogitz

Cuozzo Speed Technologies, LLC v Lee: Supreme Court of the US – 20 June 2016

Intellectual Property Magazine
By John M. Rogitz

In non-precedential decision CAFC reverses PTAB finding of obviousness in reexamination
By John M. Rogitz

Federal Circuit affirms Apple iPhone patent victory over GPNE
By John M. Rogitz

Federal Circuit rules claims defining information-based result are patent ineligible
By John M. Rogitz

Using a European technical effect approach to software patent-eligibility
By John M. Rogitz

Using narrow claim breadth as a sign of software patent-eligibility
By John M. Rogitz

Immersion Corp v. HTC Corp: CAFC affirms filing continuation on day parent issues
By John M. Rogitz

Should the attorney-client privilege be extended to the relationship between a patentee and their non-attorney patent agent? John M Rogitz investigates

Intellectual Property Magazine

Following a significant CAFC verdict, John M Rogitz discusses whether a document posted on a website qualifies as prior art.

Intellectual Property Magazine

Is it a violation of due process to have the same body investigate and adjudicate on a case? John M Rogitz investigates with reference to Ethicon.

Intellectual Property Magazine

In a precedent-setting case, John M Rogitz discusses constitutionality issues surrounding the inter partes review process at the USPTO.

Intellectual Property Magazine

The key take away point from this significant case is when drafting patent applications, it is best to avoid superfluous statements.Intellectual Property Magazine

Intellectual Property Magazine

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